Title Re-operation for nose
Writer Catherin Date 16-09-26 07:57
Consultation field you'd like Nose Hits 681
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Hello, i'm from indonesia.
I'm 24yrs old.
 i did nose surgery in Indonesia on july 2013 , but the result is not really good. My nose looks crooked now. I would like to do Re-operation, is that possible ? And how much is cost ?

Thank you so much for your attention. We would like to hear it soon from you. :)

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Halo, selamat sore. Perkenalkan, saya tim konsultasi dari Grand Plastic Surgery korea. ibu, boleh saya tahu apa tujuan ibu re-surgery kali ini bu? apakah lebih concern kepada hidungnya yang bengkok atau lebih concern kepada estetikanya? Boleh saya lihat foto sebelum operasi hidungnya bu? Karena dari situ saya bisa lihat apakah postur hidung ibu sebelum operasi^^ Saya akan kirimkan juga message melalui email, jadi silahkan dicek inboxnya ya bu~ Terima kasih telah menghubungi Grand Plastic Surgery Korea. have a nice day.
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